the harvest by thematic. resilience + tenacity
A growing collection of accounts from a plethora of creative practitioners spanning painters, muscians, poets, writers, filmmakers, designers and beyond on the payoff of perserverence …

Haruki Murakami. Strategic choices.
Haruki Murakami. Strategic choices. resilience + tenacity Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Mark Ronson. Eventually getting it.
Mark Ronson. Eventually getting it. resilience & tenacity Add Your Heading Text Here Born in London and raised in New York City Mark Ronson’s childhood

Marilyn Minter. A lesson in persistence.
Marilyn Minter. A lesson in persistence. resilience & tenacity The harvest: a hybrid Jeff Koons [and me] we both got kicked out of the art
Image attributions
Boxes. Left: Marilyn Minter. Photo by x. Sourced from x. Middle: Marilyn Minter. Photo by x. Sourced from xx. Right: Marilyn Minter. Photo by x. Sourced from: xx
All images used under a CAL Statutory Education – Non-Commercial (not for profit) License. All rights remain respectfully with their repsective copyright owners.